Physics MCQs

Stellar Structure and Evolution Quiz With Answer

Welcome to the Stellar Structure and Evolution Quiz. In this post, we have shared Stellar Structure and Evolution Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Stellar Structure and Evolution Practice Questions with answers in Pak MCQs Test exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Stellar Structure and Evolution.

Stellar Structure and Evolution Online Flashcards and Quiz

By presenting 3 options to choose from, Stellar Structure and Evolution Quiz which cover a wide range of topics and levels of difficulty, making them adaptable to various learning objectives and preferences. You will have to read all the given answers of Stellar Structure and Evolution Questions and Answers and click over the correct answer.

  • Test Name: Stellar Structure and Evolution MCQ Quiz Practice
  • Type: MCQ’s
  • Total Questions: 40
  • Total Marks: 40
  • Time: 40 minutes

Note: Answer of the questions will change randomly each time you start the test. Practice each quiz test at least 3 times if you want to secure High Marks. Once you are finished, click the View Results button. If any answer looks wrong to you in Quiz, simply click on question and comment below that question, so that we can update the answer in the quiz section.

Stellar Structure and Evolution Quiz

Stellar Structure and Evolution Quiz

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1 / 40

What prevents a star from collapsing under its own gravity?

2 / 40

What is the Schwarzschild radius?

3 / 40

How are Type Ia supernovae different from Type II supernovae?

4 / 40

What is the Hayashi track?

5 / 40

What is the helium flash?

6 / 40

What causes a star to become a red giant?

7 / 40

What is the helium flash?

8 / 40

What is the primary energy source in the later stages of a massive star's life?

9 / 40

What is a planetary nebula?

10 / 40

How does a star like the Sun eventually die?

11 / 40

What is a protostar?

12 / 40

What determines the main sequence lifetime of a star?

13 / 40

What is the event horizon of a black hole?

14 / 40

What is the primary source of energy in stars?

15 / 40

What is a T Tauri star?

16 / 40

How do stars like the Sun eventually end their lives?

17 / 40

What is a white dwarf made of?

18 / 40

What is the proton-proton chain?

19 / 40

What is a red dwarf?

20 / 40

What is the dominant element in a star's core during the main sequence phase?

21 / 40

What is the Roche limit?

22 / 40

What is a neutron star primarily composed of?

23 / 40

Which layer of a star's atmosphere is visible during a solar eclipse?

24 / 40

What is the fate of a star with a mass greater than about 8 solar masses?

25 / 40

What is the Eddington luminosity?

26 / 40

What is the CNO cycle?

27 / 40

Which force is responsible for keeping a star in hydrostatic equilibrium?

28 / 40

What is the role of convection in stellar interiors?

29 / 40

What is the Chandrasekhar limit?

30 / 40

What causes a star to become a supernova?

31 / 40

What is the final stage of stellar evolution for a star like the Sun?

32 / 40

What causes a supernova explosion?

33 / 40

What is a brown dwarf?

34 / 40

What is a pulsar?

35 / 40

What is the role of fusion in stellar interiors?

36 / 40

What is a nova?

37 / 40

What process powers the Sun and other main sequence stars?

38 / 40

What is the remnant left after a Type II supernova?

39 / 40

What is the approximate temperature at the core of the Sun?

40 / 40

What is the helium flash?


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Stellar Structure and Evolution Flashcards

What is a red dwarf?

Small, cool, low-mass star

What is a T Tauri star?

Young, pre-main sequence star with strong stellar winds

What is the role of fusion in stellar interiors?

Generating energy and counteracting gravitational collapse

What is a protostar?

A collapsing cloud of gas and dust before nuclear fusion ignites

What is the helium flash?

Explosive ignition of helium in a red giant's core

What is a nova?

Sudden increase in brightness of a white dwarf

What is a brown dwarf?

A failed star that never ignites nuclear fusion

How do stars like the Sun eventually end their lives?

As white dwarfs cooling over billions of years

What is the helium flash?

Explosive ignition of helium in a red giant's core

What is the Roche limit?

Distance at which tidal forces exceed gravitational forces

What is the role of convection in stellar interiors?

Transporting energy from the core to the surface

What is the Eddington luminosity?

Maximum luminosity a star can have

What is the helium flash?

Explosive ignition of helium in a red giant's core

What is the proton-proton chain?

Nuclear fusion process in stars like the Sun

What is the Hayashi track?

Evolutionary path of a contracting protostar

What is the remnant left after a Type II supernova?

Neutron star or black hole

How are Type Ia supernovae different from Type II supernovae?

Type Ia lack hydrogen lines in their spectra

What causes a star to become a supernova?

Core collapse or thermonuclear explosion

What is the Schwarzschild radius?

Radius of the event horizon of a black hole

What is the CNO cycle?

A nuclear fusion process in massive stars

What is a white dwarf made of?

Electron-degenerate matter

What is the primary energy source in the later stages of a massive star's life?

Nuclear fusion of heavier elements

What is a pulsar?

A rotating neutron star emitting beams of radiation

What is the event horizon of a black hole?

Boundary beyond which nothing can escape

What is a neutron star primarily composed of?


What causes a supernova explosion?

Collapse of the core in a massive star

How does a star like the Sun eventually die?

As a white dwarf

What is the fate of a star with a mass greater than about 8 solar masses?


What is a planetary nebula?

A shell of gas ejected by a dying star

What is the Chandrasekhar limit?

Maximum mass for a stable white dwarf

What causes a star to become a red giant?

Depletion of hydrogen fuel in the core

What is the dominant element in a star's core during the main sequence phase?


Which force is responsible for keeping a star in hydrostatic equilibrium?


What process powers the Sun and other main sequence stars?

Hydrogen fusion

What is the approximate temperature at the core of the Sun?

15 million K

What prevents a star from collapsing under its own gravity?

Pressure from nuclear fusion

What is the final stage of stellar evolution for a star like the Sun?

White Dwarf

What determines the main sequence lifetime of a star?


Which layer of a star's atmosphere is visible during a solar eclipse?


What is the primary source of energy in stars?

Nuclear Fusion

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