Everyday Science MCQs

Scientific Discoveries and Inventions MCQs with Answers

Who is credited with the discovery of penicillin?
a) Alexander Fleming
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Marie Curie
d) Albert Einstein
Answer: a) Alexander Fleming

Who invented the telephone?
a) Alexander Graham Bell
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Guglielmo Marconi
Answer: a) Alexander Graham Bell

Who is known for the discovery of gravity?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Galileo Galilei
c) Albert Einstein
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Isaac Newton

Who discovered the theory of relativity?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Albert Einstein

Who invented the light bulb?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Alexander Graham Bell
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Thomas Edison

Who discovered the law of gravitation?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Galileo Galilei
c) Albert Einstein
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Isaac Newton

Who invented the computer?
a) Charles Babbage
b) Alan Turing
c) Steve Jobs
d) Bill Gates
Answer: a) Charles Babbage

Who discovered the theory of evolution?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Gregor Mendel
c) Louis Pasteur
d) Marie Curie
Answer: a) Charles Darwin

Who invented the steam engine?
a) James Watt
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) James Watt

Who discovered the laws of motion?
a) Isaac Newton
b) Galileo Galilei
c) Albert Einstein
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Isaac Newton

Who invented the radio?
a) Guglielmo Marconi
b) Thomas Edison
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Guglielmo Marconi

Who discovered the structure of DNA?
a) James Watson and Francis Crick
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Gregor Mendel
d) Charles Darwin
Answer: a) James Watson and Francis Crick

Who invented the printing press?
a) Johannes Gutenberg
b) Leonardo da Vinci
c) Isaac Newton
d) Marie Curie
Answer: a) Johannes Gutenberg

Who discovered X-rays?
a) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
b) Albert Einstein
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Marie Curie
Answer: a) Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

Who invented the microscope?
a) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Robert Hooke
d) Galileo Galilei
Answer: a) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

Who discovered the theory of general relativity?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Albert Einstein

Who invented the airplane?
a) Orville and Wilbur Wright
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Orville and Wilbur Wright

Who discovered the laws of heredity?
a) Gregor Mendel
b) Charles Darwin
c) James Watson and Francis Crick
d) Rosalind Franklin
Answer: a) Gregor Mendel

Who invented the telegraph?
a) Samuel Morse
b) Alexander Graham Bell
c) Guglielmo Marconi
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Samuel Morse

Who discovered the theory of electromagnetism?
a) James Clerk Maxwell
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) James Clerk Maxwell

Who invented the computer programming language?
a) Ada Lovelace
b) Alan Turing
c) Charles Babbage
d) Steve Jobs
Answer: a) Ada Lovelace

Who discovered the law of conservation of energy?
a) James Prescott Joule
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) James Prescott Joule

Who invented the first practical electric battery?
a) Alessandro Volta
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) Thomas Edison
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Alessandro Volta

Who discovered the concept of radioactivity?
a) Marie Curie
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Marie Curie

Who invented the electric motor?
a) Michael Faraday
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Michael Faraday

Who discovered the law of conservation of mass?
a) Antoine Lavoisier
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Antoine Lavoisier

Who invented the first practical camera?
a) Louis Daguerre
b) Thomas Edison
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Louis Daguerre

Who discovered the concept of atomic structure?
a) Niels Bohr
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Niels Bohr

Who invented the first practical electric generator?
a) Michael Faraday
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Michael Faraday

Who discovered the principle of natural selection?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Gregor Mendel
c) James Watson and Francis Crick
d) Rosalind Franklin
Answer: a) Charles Darwin

Who invented the first practical steam-powered locomotive?
a) George Stephenson
b) James Watt
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) George Stephenson

Who discovered the concept of the Big Bang theory?
a) Georges LemaƮtre
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Georges LemaƮtre

Who invented the first practical electric telegraph?
a) Samuel Morse
b) Alexander Graham Bell
c) Guglielmo Marconi
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Samuel Morse

Who discovered the concept of black holes?
a) Stephen Hawking
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Stephen Hawking

Who invented the first practical electric power distribution system?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Nikola Tesla
c) Benjamin Franklin
d) James Watt
Answer: b) Nikola Tesla

Who discovered the concept of quantum mechanics?
a) Max Planck
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Max Planck

Who invented the first practical incandescent light bulb?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Alexander Graham Bell
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Thomas Edison

Who discovered the concept of general anesthesia?
a) William Morton
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Marie Curie
d) Gregor Mendel
Answer: a) William Morton

Who invented the first practical electric motor?
a) Michael Faraday
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Michael Faraday

Who discovered the concept of special relativity?
a) Albert Einstein
b) Isaac Newton
c) Galileo Galilei
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Albert Einstein

Who invented the first practical airplane?
a) Orville and Wilbur Wright
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Orville and Wilbur Wright

Who discovered the principle of vaccination?
a) Edward Jenner
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Marie Curie
d) Gregor Mendel
Answer: a) Edward Jenner

Who invented the first practical photographic film?
a) George Eastman
b) Thomas Edison
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) George Eastman

Who discovered the concept of nuclear fission?
a) Otto Hahn
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Otto Hahn

Who invented the first practical electric telegraph system?
a) Samuel Morse
b) Alexander Graham Bell
c) Guglielmo Marconi
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Samuel Morse

Who discovered the concept of genetics?
a) Gregor Mendel
b) Charles Darwin
c) James Watson and Francis Crick
d) Rosalind Franklin
Answer: a) Gregor Mendel

Who invented the first practical electric power plant?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Nikola Tesla
c) Benjamin Franklin
d) James Watt
Answer: a) Thomas Edison

Who discovered the concept of the double helix structure of DNA?
a) James Watson and Francis Crick
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Gregor Mendel
d) Charles Darwin
Answer: a) James Watson and Francis Crick

Who invented the first practical sewing machine?
a) Elias Howe
b) Isaac Singer
c) Thomas Edison
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Elias Howe

Who discovered the concept of electromagnetism?
a) Hans Christian Ƙrsted
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Hans Christian Ƙrsted

Who invented the first practical typewriter?
a) Christopher Sholes
b) Thomas Edison
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Christopher Sholes

Who discovered the concept of the periodic table of elements?
a) Dmitri Mendeleev
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Marie Curie
d) Gregor Mendel
Answer: a) Dmitri Mendeleev

Who invented the first practical electric car?
a) Thomas Davenport
b) Karl Benz
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Thomas Davenport

Who discovered the concept of antibiotics?
a) Alexander Fleming
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Marie Curie
d) Albert Einstein
Answer: a) Alexander Fleming

Who invented the first practical air conditioning system?
a) Willis Carrier
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Willis Carrier

Who discovered the concept of plate tectonics?
a) Alfred Wegener
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Alfred Wegener

Who invented the first practical refrigerator?
a) Carl von Linde
b) Thomas Edison
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Carl von Linde

Who discovered the concept of the speed of light?
a) Ole RĆømer
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Ole RĆømer

Who invented the first practical motion picture camera?
a) Thomas Edison
b) Alexander Graham Bell
c) Nikola Tesla
d) LumiĆØre brothers
Answer: a) Thomas Edison

Who discovered the concept of superconductivity?
a) Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Heike Kamerlingh Onnes

Who invented the first practical helicopter?
a) Igor Sikorsky
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Igor Sikorsky

Who discovered the concept of the Higgs boson?
a) Peter Higgs and FranƧois Englert
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Peter Higgs and FranƧois Englert

Who invented the first practical digital computer?
a) Alan Turing
b) Charles Babbage
c) Steve Jobs
d) Bill Gates
Answer: a) Alan Turing

Who discovered the concept of dark matter?
a) Vera Rubin
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Vera Rubin

Who invented the first practical electric washing machine?
a) Alva Fisher
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Alva Fisher

Who discovered the concept of the Doppler effect?
a) Christian Doppler
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Christian Doppler

Who invented the first practical television?
a) Philo Farnsworth
b) Thomas Edison
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Philo Farnsworth

Who discovered the concept of nuclear fusion?
a) Hans Bethe
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Hans Bethe

Who invented the first practical microwave oven?
a) Percy Spencer
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Percy Spencer

Who discovered the concept of the greenhouse effect?
a) Svante Arrhenius
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Marie Curie
d) Albert Einstein
Answer: a) Svante Arrhenius

Who invented the first practical artificial heart?
a) Robert Jarvik
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Robert Jarvik

Who discovered the concept of blackbody radiation?
a) Max Planck
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Max Planck

Who invented the first practical pacemaker?
a) Wilson Greatbatch
b) Thomas Edison
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Wilson Greatbatch

Who discovered the concept of genetics and heredity?
a) Gregor Mendel
b) Charles Darwin
c) James Watson and Francis Crick
d) Rosalind Franklin
Answer: a) Gregor Mendel

Who invented the first practical atomic bomb?
a) J. Robert Oppenheimer
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) J. Robert Oppenheimer

Who discovered the concept of blood circulation?
a) William Harvey
b) Louis Pasteur
c) Marie Curie
d) Gregor Mendel
Answer: a) William Harvey

Who invented the first practical electron microscope?
a) Ernst Ruska
b) Thomas Edison
c) Alexander Graham Bell
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Ernst Ruska

Who discovered the concept of chaos theory?
a) Edward Lorenz
b) Albert Einstein
c) Isaac Newton
d) Nikola Tesla
Answer: a) Edward Lorenz

Who invented the first practical nuclear reactor?
a) Enrico Fermi
b) Thomas Edison
c) Nikola Tesla
d) Benjamin Franklin
Answer: a) Enrico Fermi

Who discovered the concept of the double-helix structure of DNA through X-ray crystallography?
a) Rosalind Franklin
b) James Watson and Francis Crick
c) Gregor Mendel
d) Charles Darwin
Answer: a) Rosalind Franklin

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