Physics MCQs

Compressible Flow Quiz With Answer

Welcome to the Compressible Flow Quiz. In this post, we have shared Compressible Flow Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Compressible Flow Practice Questions with answers in Pak MCQs Test exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Compressible Flow.

Compressible Flow Online Flashcards and Quiz

By presenting 3 options to choose from, Compressible Flow Quiz which cover a wide range of topics and levels of difficulty, making them adaptable to various learning objectives and preferences. You will have to read all the given answers of Compressible Flow Questions and Answers and click over the correct answer.

  • Test Name: Compressible Flow MCQ Quiz Practice
  • Type: MCQ’s
  • Total Questions: 40
  • Total Marks: 40
  • Time: 40 minutes

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Incompressible Flow Quiz

Compressible Flow Quiz

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1 / 40

The isentropic relation for compressible flow relates ____________.

2 / 40

Which gas law is used for compressible flow analysis?

3 / 40

The term "compressible flow" refers to flow in which ____________.

4 / 40

The velocity of a flow is supersonic when its Mach number is _____________.

5 / 40

The critical Mach number for an airfoil is typically where ____________.

6 / 40

What type of flow occurs when the Mach number is less than 1?

7 / 40

The Mach number for incompressible flow is __________.

8 / 40

The presence of shocks in supersonic flow leads to ____________.

9 / 40

The normal Mach number is ____________ to the flow direction.

10 / 40

The local Mach number in a convergent-divergent nozzle increases as the flow ____________.

11 / 40

A shock wave is a ____________.

12 / 40

The Mach number is a dimensionless quantity representing the ratio of ____________.

13 / 40

For compressible flow, which equation governs the relationship between Mach number and velocity?

14 / 40

_________ flow occurs when the Mach number is greater than 1.

15 / 40

The local Mach number at a point in a flowing fluid is ____________.

16 / 40

What is the speed of sound in a medium with a Mach number of 0.5?

17 / 40

The velocity of sound in a medium depends on ____________.

18 / 40

The Mach number for hypersonic flow is typically ____________.

19 / 40

The flow will choke when the Mach number at the throat reaches ___________.

20 / 40

The maximum Mach number that can be reached in a convergent-divergent nozzle is limited by the ____________.

21 / 40

A convergent-divergent nozzle is typically used for ____________ flow.

22 / 40

The local Mach number at a point in a flowing fluid is dependent on ____________.

23 / 40

The critical Mach number is the Mach number at which the flow becomes _________.

24 / 40

In subsonic flow, the velocity of the fluid is ____________ the speed of sound.

25 / 40

The presence of shock waves in a flow indicates ____________.

26 / 40

The velocity of a flow is 500 m/s and the speed of sound is 300 m/s. What is the Mach number?

27 / 40

Shock waves occur in ____________ flow.

28 / 40

The Mach angle is the angle at which a ________ wave is inclined to the direction of motion.

29 / 40

Shock waves in supersonic flow result in a ____________.

30 / 40

A shock wave creates a sudden ____________ in pressure.

31 / 40

In supersonic flow, the Mach cone angle is ____________.

32 / 40

The Mach cone is a conical shape formed by ____________.

33 / 40

The Mach number of a flow is defined as the ratio of the flow velocity to the ____________.

34 / 40

In compressible flow, which property remains constant along a streamline?

35 / 40

The Prandtl-Meyer function describes the relationship between ____________.

36 / 40

What is the Mach number at which flow transitions from subsonic to supersonic?

37 / 40

The speed of sound in a gas is dependent on ____________.

38 / 40

The ratio of specific heats (γ) for air is approximately ____________.

39 / 40

The ratio of the local velocity to the local speed of sound is known as the ___________.

40 / 40

The flow will reach choked conditions when the Mach number is ____________.


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Compressible Flow Flashcards

Shock waves in supersonic flow result in a ____________.

a. Decrease in entropy

The velocity of sound in a medium depends on ____________.

a. Temperature

The local Mach number at a point in a flowing fluid is dependent on ____________.

a. Pressure only

The Mach cone is a conical shape formed by ____________.

a. Isentropic expansion

In compressible flow, which property remains constant along a streamline?

a. Density

The Prandtl-Meyer function describes the relationship between ____________.

a. Pressure and velocity

The presence of shock waves in a flow indicates ____________.

a. Smooth flow

The flow will reach choked conditions when the Mach number is ____________.

a. Less than 1

The Mach number of a flow is defined as the ratio of the flow velocity to the ____________.

a. Speed of light

The velocity of a flow is supersonic when its Mach number is _____________.

a. Less than 1

The local Mach number in a convergent-divergent nozzle increases as the flow ____________.

a. Accelerates

The speed of sound in a gas is dependent on ____________.

a. Temperature only

The term "compressible flow" refers to flow in which ____________.

a. Density remains constant

The presence of shocks in supersonic flow leads to ____________.

a. Decrease in temperature

The critical Mach number for an airfoil is typically where ____________.

a. Drag starts to decrease

The Mach angle is the angle at which a ________ wave is inclined to the direction of motion.

a. Compression

The Mach number for hypersonic flow is typically ____________.

a. Less than 1

In subsonic flow, the velocity of the fluid is ____________ the speed of sound.

a. Greater than

The Mach number is a dimensionless quantity representing the ratio of ____________.

a. Velocity to speed of light

The maximum Mach number that can be reached in a convergent-divergent nozzle is limited by the ____________.

a. Divergence angle

The isentropic relation for compressible flow relates ____________.

a. Pressure and temperature

The ratio of specific heats (γ) for air is approximately ____________.

a. 0.71

Which gas law is used for compressible flow analysis?

a. Boyle's law

The normal Mach number is ____________ to the flow direction.

a. Parallel

A shock wave creates a sudden ____________ in pressure.

a. Increase

A shock wave is a ____________.

a. Compression wave

A convergent-divergent nozzle is typically used for ____________ flow.

a. Supersonic

The flow will choke when the Mach number at the throat reaches ___________.

a. 1

The velocity of a flow is 500 m/s and the speed of sound is 300 m/s. What is the Mach number?

a. 1.67

For compressible flow, which equation governs the relationship between Mach number and velocity?

a. Bernoulli's equation

The Mach number for incompressible flow is __________.

a. Less than 1

The ratio of the local velocity to the local speed of sound is known as the ___________.

a. Mach number

The local Mach number at a point in a flowing fluid is ____________.

a. Equal to the bulk Mach number

Shock waves occur in ____________ flow.

a. Supersonic

In supersonic flow, the Mach cone angle is ____________.

a. Less than 90°

What is the speed of sound in a medium with a Mach number of 0.5?

a. Half the speed of sound

What type of flow occurs when the Mach number is less than 1?

a. Subsonic

The critical Mach number is the Mach number at which the flow becomes _________.

a. Sonic

_________ flow occurs when the Mach number is greater than 1.

a. Supersonic

What is the Mach number at which flow transitions from subsonic to supersonic?

a. 1

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